User Create

Modul 1
Listing for data

List data, search for data, search will be kept, update data, pagination.

Example list
Modul 2
New data simple form

Simple data input with AJAX confirm after form submit and without 1:n relations.

Example simple create
Modul 3
Add 1n relation data

Add further data related 1n to existing data.

Example create and add 1n relation data
Modul 4
Multi step form

Form with multiple steps and final summary.

Example multi step form

Thank you

Data successful submitted


Data can't be submitted

Users list

Go to users list and view new added data.

Users list

New user

Bootstrap 5 validation style with own validation logic. Simple form and AJAX submit with simple confirm without redirect. Edit user a user from list to see AJAX redirect after confirm.

Maximum file size: 1MB.
Allowed file types: JPG, JPEG, PNG
Please select salutation.
Please provide first name.
Please provide last name.